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比亚迪宋DM价格评测 万元用电礼品现场加送

Author:Ruili huihao import and export co. LTD    Source:Ruili huihao import and export co. LTD    Pubdate:2017-05-24    Hits:983

比亚迪 宋 DM价格评测 万元用电礼品现场加送。近日,车城社编辑从上海经销商了解到一款车型的优惠信息,这款车就是比亚迪 宋 DM新能源。近期商家正在购车促销中,所以各位朋友如果对这款车感兴趣的可以根据联系方式拨号或到店都可以。还可享受1万元用电礼包购车价上减扣。


编辑点评:对于这款比亚迪 宋 DM新能源,配置方面整车的配置还是非常丰富的,包括超大全景天窗、360°全景影像、PM2.5绿净系统、Carpad多媒体系统、记忆联动系统、定速巡航系统以及胎压监测系统等丰富配置都配备在 宋 EV300车型上。近期由于经销商搞活动所以价格有所优惠,如有兴趣联系经销商电话。(文/马璐)


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Phone:0692 -410 8608 彭先生:13648756780


Address:No. 3-4, No. 26, Xianghan Road, Ruili City

Our company is a company specializing in international import and export business. Our company is mainly engaged in domestic purchase, domestic transportation, customs agent declaration, inspection, tax refund in international trade business, international cargo transportation and customs clearance business in China, Myanmar or Southeast Asian countries, etc. professional international cargo transportation agents and tax refund companies have truly realized the domestic and foreign warehouse to warehouse, door-to-door professional services.

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