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Author:Ruili huihao import and export co. LTD    Source:Ruili huihao import and export co. LTD    Pubdate:2017-05-24    Hits:11778

鲁网5月24日讯(记者 徐英淦)记者从中央纪委监察部官网获悉,近日中央纪委监察部通报了山东2起违反中央八项规定精神问题。泰山职业技术学院图书馆(信息中心)馆长(主任)韩廷水、博兴县市场监管局工会负责人姚军等人因公款旅游、收受礼品被查处。



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Online Chat:

Phone:0692 -410 8608 彭先生:13648756780


Address:No. 3-4, No. 26, Xianghan Road, Ruili City

Our company is a company specializing in international import and export business. Our company is mainly engaged in domestic purchase, domestic transportation, customs agent declaration, inspection, tax refund in international trade business, international cargo transportation and customs clearance business in China, Myanmar or Southeast Asian countries, etc. professional international cargo transportation agents and tax refund companies have truly realized the domestic and foreign warehouse to warehouse, door-to-door professional services.

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